Saturday, August 9, 2008

Belli Cosmetics Acne Clearing Facial Wash

Let's start with the fact that I am NOT preggers! lol I just wanted to clear that up first and foremost for my family & friends! :)

I received a fabulous box full of Belli Cosmetics products for review by the panel & I. When I saw the Acne Wash, I knew that was all mine! I have always had wonderfully clear skin until lately, I blame it in the move to New York from California...maybe the water is better in Cali? Anyway, whatever the reason, my skin has broken out like I am going through puberty again! Eww...

I have used everything...Oxy, Noxema, Apricot Svrub, even pharmecutecal grade cleansers and have seen little to no change in my skin's appearance. (*I do have to say that the pharmecutical stuff was great at first, but then didn't keep up)

I started using Belli's Acne claering face wash everyday about 2 weeks ago. I noticed that on the bottle it said that you can leave it on for a few minutes to use as a mask. Well, that is what I have done for 2 weeks and WOW, my sin has cleared up dramatically! I am going to keep using this wash, tomorrow I am going to take a few pics of my face, and I will keep you all updated with the progress via photos and writing! OH and it smells fantastic! The Green Tea stands out to me and it is wonderful!

The best thing about using this face wash is that Belli is so careful with the ingredients they use since this is a "pregnancy" used product but as a non- pregger, it makes me feel confident that this will not be too harsh! :)

Stay posted for more updates...

Here is some info from Belli about their face wash!

Acne Clearing Facial Wash is an exfoliating wash; rich in powerful acne-ridding ingredients that leaves skin clear and refined, without over-drying. The safest acne solution for pregnancy, Belli Acne Clearing Facial Wash uses lactic acid to lift away dirt, oil and bacteria, promoting clean and blemish-free skin. Most acne treatments are contra-indicated during pregnancy because of adverse effects to baby. Belli’s breakthrough formulation is the first to safely address pregnancy-related acne using lactic acid – an ingredient that is naturally found in the body.

Directions: This versatile treatment can be used as a daily facial cleanser or can be left on the face for 5 minutes for an intensive acne facial mask.

Active Ingredients: Lactic Acid 7%